We found this cool website called vintageousvintage.com or um maybe vintageous.com, one or the other. Anyways, they have a lot of just swell vintage dresses and other things and they are mostly if not all under $300. The first dress we have up there is a 1950's pretty pink prom dress which we think is just delightful. The one below it is a TEA PARTY DRESS!!! We should have a tea party and tell people what to wear. Much like the GossipGirl episode "Wild Brunch." That's what we'd wear. And the fashion police ( us ) would make sure everyone was dressed properly in pastels and such and that there was TEA present and yummy pastries. AHEM unlike a certain boy dorm's tea party. (We're looking at you Abbot in case any of you read this.)
These next two dresses are snazzy as well. The first one is gold and metallic-y and cool. Very good for parties. Like a birthday party or something. The one directly above looks like something out of Breakfast at Tiffany's which is a very good movie and you should watch it! (Along with Top Hat).
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