Yes, that's right. Eight days left until Christmas. I've been pumping up the X-mas jams and compulsively watching holiday movies ("It's a Wonderful Life," "Charlie Brown Christmas," etc. except for last night, where I watched "The Terminal, oh Tom Hanks.). I'm so stoked. But the gift shopping is another issue. I've only gotten pressies for my mum. And now I need to get some for my daddy and my little sis. My dad wants some new ties and my sister probably wants something silly like a Hollister (ickk.) gift card, or some perfume. Goodness, she is only 13. I may just wait until I go back down to NYC. That has many more stores than the downtowns of New Hampshire villages. Ha.
Speaking of golden rings I actually was "skiing the web" (oh, I am so clever) and was on and found a cute little ring. A "forget me knot" ring. And I want it.

So today, when I walked outside to go shopping downtown I took one step outside, yes, ONE STEP and this is what happened:
1) I realized I had left my key to get back into my house INSIDE.
2) Snow from the roof fell ontop of me causing me to fall onto my feet.
3) When I did manage to stand up I walked down the front stairs and slipped on some ice.
So I sat there for a few seconds and considered just staying inside the rest of the day, but I stood up and walked on.
But this is what I was wearing today:
I was just wearing a maroon pea coat (J.Crew), a white scarf (H&M), some tan pants (J.Crew), and a Marc Jacobs sweater underneath (and a sequined wristlet). But those don't matter. It was the boots. My boots, I've had them since last year, are made of dark dark brown leather and are scrunched up, you know. My mum calls them my pirate boots, because they do sort of resemble footwear of a pirate because they are pointy-ish at the tip. But anyway, on the bottom of them, there is absolutely NO TRACTION. Like, legit, they are completely flat on the soles. Not good for ice. So walking downtown today was a complete mess, and I was leaning and falling and bumping into people this way and that. So I decided I need a new pair of boots. I have a pair of UGG-like Steve Madden boots, but UGGs aren't exactly the prettiest of shoes, they are more for comfort than anything. I was thinking more like these boots.
I know two girls on campus with them, one of which is in my dorm. And I asked the girl in my dorm if they were good boots and she was like "Yes. Very nice boots. And fun to jump in snow in. And fun to walk in!" Her name is Yooni and she is so incredibley adorable and she is from Korea. I'll take her word for it. I want the fuschia ones. They are so sick. And they certainly do not look like anything a pirate would wear.
I have been playing Yahtzee all day and I think I am addicted. The only reason I play is because I like to shout "YAHTZEE!" And I shout it at any given time. And my family gets rather annoyed at me. I just sit there and shout YAHTZEE! and then they all glare at me. But anyway.
I want a very colorful striped scarf. And I don't want to buy one, though I've got to say, the GAP has some rather okay ones right now. I want to knit one so I can pick my one colors and length and width and blah blah blah. I just knit a bunny rabbit and it is very cute. And I feel like an old woman.
You know what? Well, no, you don't know what unless you can read minds. But you know what? There are no thrift stores around here. Like absolutely none, I don't think. I rememer there was a consignment shop downtown, but I haven't really gone there yet. Me and my blogging partner were planning to go down during finals week but never got around to that. Hmm. That was just something I realized just now.
Oh well. I'm off to go babysitting. Auf Wiedersehen!
I like Moon Boots. I might have to post on them.
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