I haven't got whole outfits from Goodwill to display so I've just thrown on these thrifted cardigans that I wanted to show over basically the same base.
Cute red sweater from Goodwill. Has pearly buttons and looks similar to one my g-ma has. She's a pretty classy lady. Always, always wears red lipstick.
And then there's the lovely little duck tape purse made for me by a friend that I used as a pencil case.

Another sweet little sweater. I like the embroidery and even though it is wicked small, the sleeves were long enough to make me believe it was supposed to be that way.
Another sweet little sweater. I like the embroidery and even though it is wicked small, the sleeves were long enough to make me believe it was supposed to be that way.

And I just finished reading Pride and Prejudice (as well as another Christopher Moore book!) and decided that I liked Pride and Prejudice better (both book and movie). The movie stars Emma Thompson who I like and Kate Winslet but I'm not a big Kate Winslet fan. And Hugh Grant played Edward Ferrars and I thought I'd see more of him (I have a soft spot for English accents and an almost exclusively romantic comedy movie resume). The funnier remarks came straight from Hugh Laurie who is really good at playing sarcastic, unhappy people. So if for some reason your life depended on which book you would read next, Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility, I'd go with P & P.
I will say that like P & P, S & S had some lovely hairstyles. Intricate buns with delicate braids, and a halo of curls that frame the face nicely. I will have to try some of the easier ones out but first I need a good curler...any suggestions?
P.S. Keira Knightley has a new movie coming up! Called "The Duchess." I can't wait to see it. I like period movies and Keira Knightley and ornate costumes so I'm all set as long as her love interest is likeable.

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