Monday, August 4, 2008

Okay. These are the last photos. Bought the buffalo plaid shirt at the new thrift store and the bow sweater is just from H&M but is was only $5 and it was really cute. The necklace used to be my grandmother's.

Now for some Polyvore...

I just watched jaws so I was in a shark-y frame of mind. There were a lot of shark-skin suits that came up but I'm not quite sure what those are. If they really are made from the skin of sharks then that's kind of gross. Why would you want to feel like a rubbery, man-eating fish?
Gold Shark Tooth Necklace -
Black Shark Tooth Necklace -
Shark Attack Earrings -
Shark and Fishies Necklace -
FCUK Geometric "Shark" Skirt -
Stella McCartney Shark Print Tank (under gray dress) -
Hammerhead Necklace -
Shark vs. Bear Tee -
White Purse -
Shark Jaws Ring -
Gray Dress -
AAH Shark Tee -
Shark Backpack -
Keds - and
Also, the Shark v.s Bear tee reminded me of this show that used to be on the Discovery Channel called Animal Face-Off. This team of guys would imagine battles between animals that would never meet in real life (like alligators vs. grizzlies or pythons vs. lions or pterodactyls vs. ponies etc.). Then they'd build these giant animatronic monsters and sick them on each other. My dad and I would pick sides and see who'd win. I''d usually go with the cuter animal. (bear, lion, pony, etc.)


Victoria Stansbury said...

So I don't know if you saw my comment back to you on my blog, but yeah. Your page was somehow not working for me before. But it is now! Anyways, those are such cute outfits. I love the plaid shirt, and the H&M sweater. Sounds like it was a great buy.

I do have one question about Exeter though... do you guys have "Blue Smurph Day" or something? hahahaha.

..... said...

your second look with the jacket is just so nice !! and your bear is so cute :!

Couture Carrie said...

Yay for sharks - very inspired polyvore.

Love that plaid, too!

Added you to my blogroll, darling!


Hannah said...

Aww so cute! I mean your outfits and your poses with the teddy bear... and ooh you go to Exeter... competition Victoria. Just kidding.