Post rules at the beginning of the post. Answer all the questions. Tag 6 people, got to their blog and leave a comment to inform them that they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer.
1) What were you doing ten years ago?
So that would make it 1998. I was most likely watching A Bug's Life and wishing I was an ant. or watching Mulan and wishing I had Eddie Murphy the dragon to guide me.

-Watch the Shining.
-Save the world from evil-doers. (this one is up because I recently watched Iron Man and it was awesome so I'm in a super hero mood)

3) Snacks you enjoy:
-Cheddar cheese
-Smart Puffs
-Cinnamon toast
-Pumpkin bread
-Maple sugar candy
-Granny smith apples
4) Places you have lived:
-Weare, NH
-Epping, NH
huzzah for New Hampshirites!
5) What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
-Buy lots of music
6) People you want to know more about:
-Emily Bronte
-Michael Jackson
-Veronica Lake (She was 4'11". I can't imagine being that short. I am still holding out for 5'8" but I've still got 4 inches to go. Imagine being a foot shorter than the leading actor. Although it does look kind of cute. Plus her hair is gorgeous.)

-Relatives farther up on my family tree
Alrighty. I tag:
Hipster Musings
Fops and Dandies
Fashion Robot
The Clothes Horse
not exactly 6 but close enough
I love Doug!
thanks for tagging me! hmm i'll have to think about my answers.
where are you watching episodes of doug??? i've searched youtube, but got very little - i dont think i even saw any full episodes on there. please share!
Thanks for tagging me, I don't usually respond to tags but if I'm stuck for posts in the future perhaps I'll do this one..
Fun, thanks for tagging me. I love Veronica Lake and I'd only have to give up 2 inches to be her height! I think I'll hang onto my inches though.
I Love Being Tagged Send Me Some Of Yours Sometimes.
--->Bye Doll.
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