Bicycles. L and I have been screeching like banshees about bikes lately. We really really want some. I mean, L had a picture of a bike as her desktop background, and when I was using her computer I was like, ahh, very nice. So being the unoriginal loser that I am, I switched my background from I think, Allyson Felix to a bike (sorry, Allyson). Schwinns would be nice. I mean, come on now. Look at gas prices. Four dollars a gallon? At least that will teach those Hummer-driving-gas-guzzling earth destroyers something (yes, I am part earth-child).


Ehh, maybe we'll get a Tandem so we can both ride around together. So cute.

Small Bags. Now that school is over, my shoulders are starting to feel a little bit better. At the beginning of the year I was lugging my books about in a tote bag which killed my right shoulder. But then I switched to an un-stylish, but practical backpack. Now, since I have no need for a huge bag, I've been digging the small bags.
Here's a tiny, cute one from Marc by Marc Jacobs. And I adore yellow bags for some odd reason.

Or maybe I'll use fredflare's "sawsome" pouch to carry my belongings in.

Light Pink Nail Polish. I don't dig the dark colours now that winter has past. And I've been experimenting with new colors and I like the light pink. I feel like a little girl again. And that's a good thing.
Superheroes. Like L said in some previous post, after watching Ironman I want to grow superpowers. So, I guess I would like to be Wonderwoman. Except I haven't found any patriotic spandex anywhere. Not even American Apparel has some. I'm super surprised. Super surprised.
Friendship Bracelets. They're in. Especially now that's its summer, armfuls of friendship bracelets and really nice. They're just a reminder that, Oh, hey, I have friends. And they aren't imaginary. L and I have a friend who recently purchased a friendship bracelet making book that she refers to as her "booky-book" and she has only been making bracelets for herself. She doesn't leave the house without this thing. And, I think after making about 6 for herself, she has finally decided to branch out and try something new. Yep, she's finally started making them for us. Her friends. FRIENDship bracelets for your FRIENDS. Imagine that.
Writing letters. I love writing letters. Always have, always will. I've been writing letters to my best friend in
The Celtics. They own. Duh.

Tomato Crisis. Puh-lease. Not another food scare. I was distraught about the spinach last time. And although I don't love tomatoes by themselves, they help make my sandwiches more delicious. Nobody likes dry, icky sandwiches.

MySpace. Not diggin' MySpace anymore. I don't know why. I think it's because I've made the switch on over to Facebook. No idea why. I just want to delete my MySpace soon. Too bad I don't know how. I'm sure its simple but whatever, I'm lazy.
Denim Mini Skirts. ADSKFJAS;DJF. You really don't know how much I hate these things. It's summer, and yes, I love skirts, they're awesome in this weather. But please, no denim mini ones. I do NOT dig. NO. Especially if you hike the waistline of 'em up to your bellybutton so I can see the bottom of your cheeks. What do you do if you drop something? You drop your pencil and you’re screwed. Ick.

I don't hate that much right now. I think summer has got me in a pretty good mood. I'm just as surprised as you are.
yay! you're back!
glad you're back. two things:
that ankle bag is hilarious. is that chanel?
and i hate denim skirts too!
I hate MySpace too. It's full of spam and hackers. I admit I have a denim miniskirt but it's for the beach.
yayayay! youre back. i totally love men's tshirts too! great list and i love the blog!
eeee our tomatoes!
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