Sorry for the lack of blogging, I've got so caught up in the Olympics. Michael Phelps is insane and the Korean archers had pink bows and winnie the pooh/hello kitty arm braces. Oh and Crew was fantastic.
So my good friend over at Hautest Style tagged me for a little survey thing and I am going to just yammer about some other stuff after that.
-Copy the rules
-Write 14 "small things" that make me happy
-Select 6 blogs so that they continue the survey
14 Little Things
1. the Olympics (I never usually watch sports, but something about the Olympics just compels me to watch everything)
2. reading Russian (there is a tiny satisfaction in being able to read something in another language, half of which employs letters that look like letters or other English letters)
3. bagels from my school's dining hall (I don't know what they are but a toasted wheat bagel at school is better than any other)
4. watching Indiana Jones (the theme is awesome and it's action-y and it's in the perfect time period and Harrison Ford is swell)
5. going on a music buying spree on iTunes
6. watching the Office
7. finishing a book
8. finishing homework a day ahead
9. biking/running with my dog
10. making To-Do lists
11. singing and dancing along with musicals
12. looking at pretty buildings
13. laughing so hard that I cry/can't breathe (and then sharing that emotion with someone else)
14. finding treasures in the attic
I tag anyone who feels like sharing!

I love this picture by the way.
Okay. Let's get down to business. (To defeat the Huns)
On the 16th I'm leaving for Cape Cod and I don't know if I'll be posting so I will try to post every day before then.
So I have this preppy/casual fantasy of Cape Cod and that will only pan out if the weather is nice. I will now present a Polyvore collage highlighting the aspects I envision.

Something like that. (Fingers crossed
Also, on the subject of the Olympics (and the inspiration of Ralph Lauren) some of the nations were dressed pretty spiffy (U.S. included) and others played it more casual that I would have liked.

Japan kind of looked like airline stewards/stewardesses, but still sharp.

Spain looks a bit like ketchup and mustard but their hats totally make up for it.

Great Britain looks clean cut in sliver blazers and navy pants.
Hungary's crazy floral print dresses looked ready for a tea party. The newsboy caps on America was too much. Overall France was my favorite. And one country wore baggy denim shorts and like orange shirts but I can't remember who it was but I do remember thinking too casual.
And now what Project Runway thought America should wear:
Favorite:s the third outfit in the third row and the first one in the fourth row.
Last thing. Olympic cuties!

[David Boudia: diver, Michael Phelps: swimmer]