Recent buys of mine:
1. Finally, a pair of "Risky Business" sunglasses from I was debating between red, white and black. White were sold out and I was fond of the red, but not fond enough. So I got black. $10
2. Finally, again, a pair of pink '80's splatter sunglasses from And, yes, they do come with a braided sunglasses cord, so what? $9
3. A T-shirt "B.F.F.'s" So sick. $17
Girl crush of the moment (no, neither of us are attracted to girls): Charlotte Gainsbourg Guy crush of the moment: John Krasinski
Teen Vogue had the most adorable Valentine's day shoot ever. My goodness the models were so adorable. Now, I wish I had a boyfriend like that. Well, how about I work on getting a boyfriend frist. That sounds good. But this had to be like, one of, if not THE most favorite photo shoot of mine. And I am smitten with jealousy over everything in it. The couple, her beauty, his looks, her clothes. Gah.
Oh goodness, I love beches. And her outfit, could you get more adorable. The headband is Bernstock Speirs and several others by the same designer are featured. They are fun and quirky hats and headbands. When I googled Bernstock Speirs, I found the website but there was no way to view the items. Bummer.
This photo is among my favorites, although the male model is jumping (which is seen now in almost every issue of Teen Vogue). The girl has another Bernstock Speris headpiece.
If I were to wear glasses, I would wear those ones. Another one of my faves. And look at him. Cutie.

How cute. My God. I want a boyfriend so bad right now. I'll live.
uh. hi. um. i actually have a boy firend like that. he is great. his name is peter. he weighs 95 pounds, is 28 feet tall, and is so pale you can practically see through his skin (like those newts that live in caves).talk about sexy. sex on legs. long, stick-like, glow in the dark pale legs.
anyway, when you say you want a boyfriend like that does that mean you are trying to steal my boyfriend?
huh, slut?
Look no further. :p Will I do?
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