I found this photo shoot on foto decadent as well and I really just love love love Kirsten Dunst. Except when she's wearing voluminous blue things:
But anyway, here she is looking gorgeous in Miu Miu:
Now, after giving us all these lovely things, you'd think Miu Miu would make the rest of their Spring Collection equally gorgeous. Well, I went to their website to find out if indeed that was true, and lo and behold, they are producing a transparent body suit of some kind, complete with a black collar and green sparkly glue firework details. I am still opposed to transparent things of any kind worn without something beneath it. I mean, I know I wouldn't walk around with my boobs on parade. Plus the material looks itchy.
Back to the photoshoot at hand, Kirsten has inspired me to try out a big red bow in my hair in the manner of the girls in "A Little Princess":
i liked the photo with the bow in your hair.
um hi. i actually own that sheer green jumpsuit and it is sweet. like mother f***ing sweet. you have no taste. bows can s my d.
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