Sunday, February 24, 2008


I was watching The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly the other day and I got the idea into my head that cowboy boots might not be a bad investment for spring.

I used to have some black ones when I was like five and a wore them everywhere. I think the boots might look good if paired with denim shorts and a sharp looking shirt:

The shirt kind of plays up the whole cowgirl look so it might be a bit much, but maybe the addition of a fun printed bag will liven it up:

As long as you don't add this hat:

I'm fairly certain Clint Eastwood would not put fake cowrie shells and aqua beads all over his bad ass cowboy hat.. Also, his hat would have real wear and tear.

Regardless of his manly man poncho, it is not look for everyone. This is NOT an acceptable poncho:

Friday, February 15, 2008

my my miu miu.

I found this photo shoot on foto decadent as well and I really just love love love Kirsten Dunst. Except when she's wearing voluminous blue things:
But anyway, here she is looking gorgeous in Miu Miu:

Now, after giving us all these lovely things, you'd think Miu Miu would make the rest of their Spring Collection equally gorgeous. Well, I went to their website to find out if indeed that was true, and lo and behold, they are producing a transparent body suit of some kind, complete with a black collar and green sparkly glue firework details. I am still opposed to transparent things of any kind worn without something beneath it. I mean, I know I wouldn't walk around with my boobs on parade. Plus the material looks itchy.

Back to the photoshoot at hand, Kirsten has inspired me to try out a big red bow in my hair in the manner of the girls in "A Little Princess":

Monday, February 11, 2008

funny valentine.

Skiing (there I am being clever, as always) the net, I came across these lovely photos at foto decadent. This ad is absolutely brilliant in my mind, and it consists of so many cool prints. Which they featured a lot of in the March issue of Teen Vogue. But anyway.

Except smoking, in the vegetable section? Wee-ahhd.
I like the one where she looks all in pain near the meat. But, that might just be my vegetarian ways coming through. This was so eye-catching.

So as you know, well hopefully know, Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and I, unlike my Physics teacher who is claiming to not be getting anything for his wife on the occasion, am making Valentine's card for my tight-knit cirle of friends.

My blogging partner has also made her own cards that are absolutely amazing and are made of construction paper and cut-outs of hot men. And the cards also have cute, witty sayings on them.
But anyway, here are some of the Valentine's I made.

Editorial: Le Goût Des Robes
Magazine: Vogue Paris October 2007
Models: Lily Donaldson etc.
Photographer: Steven Klein

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Just a thought. Giraffe print is very cool looking.

This is not: